Thursday, August 18, 2016

Breathing New Life

I'm excited to introduce my second book in the TURTLE book series of non fiction writing.

The release date for TURTLE HATCHINGS: Breathing New Life is September 6, 2016 Tate publishing.

Although my heart is in writing non fiction I also write fiction under a pen name which will be revealed when my fiction novel is published September 2017.

I will be spending much of next year in New Jersery writing, attending writers workshops, meeting other talented writeres, editors, publishers and new friends as I expand my world and opportunities.

Never stop growing, never stop learning, never stop creating and never stop dreaming!

Thank you to my friends for all of the love and support you have shown me over the past four years when I first began to publish some of my very private thoughts and feelings publicly through my writing. I love to read and I love to write these are two of my passions in life.

Whatever your passion is always create with love. When we share our joy with others we find a world of loving, kind friends that we never knew were out there. So spread your wings and fly...God Bless you ~ Bunny

Monday, January 4, 2016

I can help you to… Create The Life You Want

As a Life Coach I partner with you to help you follow a path that you design so that you will succeed in fulfilling your dreams and goals. Whether it’s your professional or personal life you can create the life you want. I customize my approach to your individual needs by listening intently to what you want to happen, while observing your body language, and tone. I learn your strengths, skills and what resources you have. Life Coaching is not designed to relive your past or to get over your past but rather Life Coaching is a human relationship where I assist you going forward.
A successful coaching relationship typically last six months, but is not unusual to take up to a year to achieve the desired results. Partnering with a coach is a very powerful relationship where I assist you in creating visions, and setting goals for achievement. My part is to assist you in developing strategies, as you discover solutions for roadblocks. I mirror back to you what I hear you say so that you can listen to yourself. Just as a map directs you to a desired destination think of me as your map or your ship set out to sea you will steer the boat and sail to your desired destination.
As you begin to move forward into a new year there may come a time when you feel stuck or come to a roadblock and seek a coach to guide you into a more desirable future.