Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Running Your Own Race

                                   Run Your Own Race

I like to run, not only for exercise but because I can think clearly when I run. I think about my future while running, and maybe that's because running is moving forward. My favorite place to run is on the beach. The ocean inspires me to think about life and what I want out of life. I see people running together but I prefer to run alone so I can focus internally. I first started running back in 2006 after my daughter died from cancer. Running gave me a outlet for my pain, and it still does.

A few years after my daughter died I went to a clinical psychologist just to talk. As it turned out he was also a Life Coach and eventually I studied under him and obtained my Life Coaching certificate. It was through my own personal coaching practice that I found my vision in life. I set goals and achieved  my dreams, and desires. Through life coaching I began to think thoughts that  I had not thought, and to say what I had not said, and to dream what I had never imagined. This was when I was able to create the life I want to live.

Can a person be 100% happy?  Yes, I believe we can.  

Running, meditating, and praying have been ways that I have found contentment, and peace after my daughter died.  I believe that Nicki would be happy for me, and she would not want me to be sad all the time. All of us have to find our own happiness in life. No one can find happiness for us. So search inside because there you will find your happiness.

 RUN YOUR OWN RACE to happiness 


Tuesday, August 6, 2019


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.  ~Author Unknown
For those of us who are baby boomers, whose parents are now elderly, I'm wondering how you are emotionally handling watching your mother or father age? My mother Beverly is eighty-six and has Alzheimer's. Mom now lives in Michigan near my sister and her family they are her caretakers. The photo above is a recent picture of mom and me taken a couple of weeks ago when I was visiting her at the assisted living facility.

It is sad seeing mom becoming frail and even harder leaving her to come home to Florida, where I live. I don't like to see my mom weak she had always been the strong one. She needs assistance to get around, she is very unsteady which is so sad because not that many years ago she was walking ten miles a day, she loved to walk. She also exercised daily, and played golf on a regular basis. But not anymore!

It's hard to believe that Alzheimer's was first discovered in 1906, and that not much has changed about the disease since then.  Currently, at least 44 million people all over the world live with Alzheimer's in spite of the continued efforts through research to find a cure.

I miss having conversations with mom, like we used to. Now I have to remind her who I am. I can call her but she doesn't know it's me, her Bunny baby, as she called me. I will return to see mom again in September, and hold her hand, like I did when I was a small child because I needed her security. The truth is that I still need her security, but she doesn't know that anymore, but I know it, so I'll cling to her as long as I can.